Silent Auction

The 17th Annual NACAS Education Foundation Silent Auction is scheduled to take place during the C3X 2017 Annual Conference & Expo in November in Colorado Springs, CO.  It's fun, rewarding, and all proceeds go to a good cause - the NACAS Education Foundation. If you donate, you win!  If you bid on an item you may win BIG TIME!

How does it work?

Many products and services are being donated by member institutions, business partners, corporate friends and individuals all in an effort to support scholarships and new educational initiatives funded by the NACAS Education Foundation.  We are anticipating many great donations.  Place a bid for your chance to win!

Count me in! How do I donate?

Please fill out the form below!

Please consider making a donation worth $350 or more. Last year we saw a great variety of popular electronics, weekend and gift packages, and memorabilia. The items donated do not necessarily have to be institution related. Last year iPads, iPods, e-readers, gift cards, digital cameras, and autographed sport memorabilia were just a few of the items that were not institution related.

If you have a time-share or rental property, donating use of those facilities makes a great contribution that always generates interest in further donations. Be creative!  We will be pleased to accept almost anything that can be transported in a shoe box or shipped from your facility to the winner.  The NACAS Education Foundation is doing great things for our members. We hope you will become a part of making your Association stronger.

Don't have time to shop?

Donate an amount of $350 or more and let us do the shopping. Just click on the button below, fill out the form, and we will take care of the rest! Learn more

Donating an item?

Fill out the form below and include a brief description of your item and let us know the size of your item. If your item is larger than a shoebox please check the bottom box and let us know that you commit to sending the item to the winner.

All items must be committed to by September 12 to be included in any signage.